Health insurance bills ?

I haven’t received health insurance bills in some months and I can’t exactly remember when was the last time I paid one (definitely last year at some point though? I’m going to dig through my collection of receipts later). Ive been using my health insurance card just fine up until a month ago, although it’s expired now, and have received other mail regarding health insurance from the town hall in the meantime. Is it possible they forgot to send the bills to me or am I perhaps stressing about bills that haven’t even been sent out yet? I’ve been so stressed about other bills and maybe let too much time pass… should I go to the town hall and ask? I need to get a new health insurance card since my one expired anyway, but should I be expecting a huge bill when I go? What do you think? Also please don’t judge, I know I’m stupid, I’m just still trying to figure out this living in Japan thing.

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