Uniqlo Heat-Tech allergy?

Yes I know I should probably go see a doctor. And I’m going to see a doctor this Friday. And most likely the doctor is going to prescribe cetirizine. And cetirizine will work because it is working for me today. But let me start from the beginning.

Last Winter, I had this issue a couple of times when, if I suddenly exercised or broke a sweat, my whole trunk would start itching. Sometimes my head and arms would join the party but mostly it was just back and chest. It happened a couple of times and then Winter was over. This winter it’s happening a lot. I’ve managed to control it with lotions and potions and cetirizine… But it suddenly hit me that I might be allergic to Uniqlo Heat-Tech, which coincidentally or not has been on me every time I’ve been itching.

Anyone with a similar experience?

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