Studying as a foreigner in Japan ?

Polish, F/19

In one year I will finish my A levels in the UK and I’m considering living abroad in South Korea or Japan. I’m more pulled towards Japan however, I need to consider many things such as how difficult and expensive life is there, especially as a foreigner. So what I’m looking to do towards the future is after I finish my studies I would ideally love to become a clinical psychologist after mastering the language. I did read that there are many foreigners studying to become a psychologists in Japan, but is it harder than it seems? I would obviously work hard for it, but I would be worried about me not being able to find a job after receiving a degree.

As for now, in a year time I would need some part-time job as a student. I was thinking perhaps English tutor? The only problem is that I’m not a native English speaker. Ideally I would love to work in a shop or a cafe, but in one year my Japanese wouldn’t be that good so I don’t know if that would be possible. Would it perhaps be easier in South Korea?

About education. To be honest I’m not the smartest tool in the shed, well I’m trying my best and do my work on time but I’m a bit worried about the aspect of everyone being extremely competitive when it comes to education. Does Japan beat South Korea when it comes to difficulty in the degrees designed for foreigners ? This would probably affect my decision the most. I do know that both countries are demanding and the educational system differs largely from the west.

Quality of life. I’m an introvert, but at the same time I do want to go out and have fun with people. I guess if I would get a friend or a group of friends I would for sure go out and enjoy local entertainments. So I guess what I’m asking, is making friends difficult in Japan? I did read in South Korea it may be a little bit more difficult to make friends since everyone has already kind of made closer connections since very young. I want to live a happy and healthy life where I can work towards a goal.

Romantic relationships? Ghosting seems common in Japan, but is it more likely to happen to foreign girls? Well that probably would be the least of my worry but if I do want to settle down one day in the future some information would help.

I just have so many questions, it’s a big decision which university to apply to. I would really appreciate any tips or information, I’m still researching all the pros and cons.

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