Applying for electricity

I’ll be relocating to Setagaya in mid-August. I already made a contract for an apartment with Leopalace. They said that I have to apply for utilities myself.

To apply for electricity, I read that I could make an online service request to Tokyo Electric Power Co:


The form is a bit confusing to me. It asks for different name fields, “Name of account holder”, “Name of liaison”, etc. I’m not sure whether to use my name or the renter’s details.

For instance under “**4. Applicant Information**” they ask for first name and last name.

There it also states *”name of liaison in case of real estate company, etc.”*. Should I be using my name or the renter’s name, here in my case ‘株式会社レオパレス21’?

Also under **”Contact details”** they expect the phone number to be in format 000-0000-0000.

Though I don’t have a Japanese phone number I’m thinking of entering my current number which is 11 digits including the country code.

I appreciate any help.

1 comment
  1. Account holder is your name, because you are using and paying for the electricity.

    Applicant information is the person doing this application. Since you are doing it yourself, put in your name and check the “Self” in relation sections.

    “name of liaison in case of real estate company, etc.”. is the case where the realtor open the account for you.

    >Though I don’t have a Japanese phone number I’m thinking of entering my current number which is 11 digits including the country code.

    Then wait until you get the number. Opening electricity is almost instant.

    Or put in your company/school number.

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