Post op shoe

My daughter lives in Japan currently and lost the toenail on her big toe due to injury. I’m trying to find her a post op shoe or something else she can wear that won’t put any pressure on the toe. Any ideas?

  1. Obligatory not medicolegally sound advice, but “Darco” shoes are usually used post operatively for toe/foot injuries and it looks like Amazon jp might have some reasonably affordable ones :))

    Hope that helps!

  2. Sorry but shouldn’t she just get something like that from her doctor? Did they not offer it?

  3. I wore flip flops (winter time as well) on the foot w an improvised thick wool sock ( I had my big toenail ripped of too w an accident w a fridge door lol ) Sucked but it worked and my foot was warm.

    ETA : by improvised I mean I got bigger size wool socks; so no issue with the huge bandage on the toe . Then opened it up to sew the opening for the big toe separate from the rest of the toes. Worked well and that made sure no pressure was on the big toe.

  4. As much as I hate them, my coworker who recently broke his toe is wearing crocs on that foot because they are comfortable and don’t hurt.

  5. I have found wearing the fluffy sandal crocs (open toe box) are enough to keep my feet warm even without socks on. You can buy them on amazon or crocs japan (they often have sales at weekends).

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