What are the underlying protocols of official tier ‘Kaoawase /顔合わせ’

I work for a gaishikkei in Tokyo and next week I will be introducing one of my senior colleagues to some friends who run events in the same industry. Currently there is no particular goal or project in mind, my colleague simply suggested a Kaoawase as an informal mode of making introductions between professionals.

As the only foreigner in the mix, as the relative kouhai, and as the person facilitating the introduction I’m quite nervous about this meeting. Fortunately I am at least friendly with all parties involved and there is currently absolutely nothing at stake, but obviously I want this meeting to go well. As we all know, Japan is a country of rules and many of them are hidden particularly from unsuspecting and inexperienced foreigners.

I’m curious to hear about everybody else’s experiences in this type of meeting. What was your expected role/responsibility? How did you succeed or fail in your role? What was the atmosphere of your meeting?

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