Best way to learn vocabulary?

Just finished RTK with relative ease and now need to figure out how to build a strong vocabulary. I have a good understanding of grammar as that’s what I did first. I spend at least an hour a day watching content in Japanese with japanese subtitles to practice my reading. Looking for a good way to quickly pick up vocabulary (nouns mostly as kanji makes verbs easy to pick up). What has worked well for you guys? Thank you all very much!

  1. I did:

    RTK volume 2. I Would recommend only the first and second sections – kanji with consistent readings, and kanji with semi-consistent readings. This gave me a head-start on reading and lookup.

    Read a *ton* of different manga genres like medical, drama, historical, etc. Just make sure to read things with a lot of variety – as long as you don’t stick to one genre, you’ll have a well-rounded vocabulary in no time (I use my app for this).

    For grammar, I did 完全マスター – I did the N2 and N1, but I imagine the other levels are also really good. Probably best with access to a tutor, though. You won’t have questions on everything, but when you do it helps to have someone qualified to break it down.

    Core6k. This anki deck will speed run you to having a basic vocabulary.

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