Trying to understand the grammar/language of two phrases of the song ケセラセラ by Mrs. Green Apple better. I hope someone can enlighten me?

Hi there. Sorry for the wall of text.

But I was listening to the song ケセラセラ by Mrs. Green Apple while reading along with the lyrics.
I know trying to translate songs is always a bit difficult and honestly I’m not trying to directly translate it but nevertheless there are a few parts I would like to understand better language wise. I put a link to the MV at the very end. For full lyrics please use google or use the link (xd)

Okay now to the questions

The first question I have is about the part たまにがいい たまにでいい
So my question is basically about how the different particles が and で interact with たまに here?
When I put on the english captions on the MV it says “Once in a while is okay Once in a while is better” but that didn’t really help me with understanding the particle usage better.
So those the でいい somehow works like の方がいい here?
I know english translation can often be very lose when it comes to music so I hope someone can explain the actual japanese phrase.

The second phrase I can’t fully grasp even with reading the english captions is.
ベイベー 大人になんかなるもんじゃないぞ
1st for some reason I am still always a bit unsure about なんか so なんか means (some)things like.. so 大人になんかなる
“becoming things like adults” ?

2nd: What does the もん mean. Is it a contradiction of もの?

The english caption is “Baby, becoming an adult isn’t what you would expect…” but I have no idea how I can get there from ベイベー 大人になんかなるもんじゃないぞ.

Okay that’s all and like I said here the link to the MV

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