When kanji were retired from the Jinmeiyou kanji list did people that have names that include said kanji have to change their names or were they allowed to retain them?

Basically, did the legislation have retroactive effect?

  1. As far as I know, no Kanji have ever been removed from the Jinmeiyou list, the list has only been added to. The only exception being Kanji moved from Jinmeiyou to Joyo.

  2. I’ve seen old people with ゐ and ゑ in their names, so I’ve never had the impression that defunct characters are an issue.

  3. My family name has one of them. It has not been changed.

    In fact, I’d always used the new character since childhood, so I didn’t think anything of it and had a passport made with that character when I was young. It was only discovered when I had it renewed 6 years ago that my name on my passport didn’t match the one in my koseki and I had to have it changed to the original.

    So, jinmeiyou kanji on the koseki can’t be changed, it seems.

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