Looking for movies / books about post war Japan cultural changes

Hi everyone,
I’m really interested in learning about the cultural chages that either happened naturally or “encouraged” by US.

Any movies / books recommendations about the subject??



  1. I never read it but my friend realy liked “Dogs or Demons”, its not exactly positive on teh changes in Japan though

  2. “Always San cho me” is a favorite of mine. It shows how things changed in Tokyo during the 1950s. It’s not a documentary but it does show some of those changes. Hope that helps.

  3. Embracing Defeat by Dower is excellent. It got a bunch of awards. It does a great job of explaining the factors that went into the cultural changes we see today. It mainly focuses on the post-war occupation and its effect on the culture.

  4. Year Zero by Ian Buruma is interesting. It details things in Japan (and other countries like Germany) directly following the war. I thoroughly enjoy his writing style.

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