Opinion about changing jobs

So this is my situation, I’ll try to make it easy to understand.

I’m a foreigner in my thirties, trilingual(including business japanese +), lived and worked in Japan many years, working in a small “marketing” agency part of a “bigger” company.

I’m honestly broadly skilled in digital marketing, from planning marketing strategies to running the everything on my own (including running  ads on many platforms,  influencers, SEO etc.) to data analysis (sql+tableau/looker, learning python), meeting with customers, I also “train” my team members and share knowledge with sales too.

I make something like 30k per month, which is ridiculous skill / experience wise.

I talked about this with my direct boss, who talked with his superiors, and they all agree that I am “extremely valuable”, but keep on giving ridicolous bonuses / almost no pay increases, while favouring other people clearly less skilled (unknown reasons)

I am the edge and they promised “a raise” at my next contract renewal, which I decided not to wait, so Im preparing to quit ASAP.

Only problem is I don’t live in Tokyo (where I would probably find a job in a few weeks) so it could take 1/2 months to find a good job where I am.

I already made up my mind,
so I just want to know would you quit now?
Would you wait until finding a new job?

I really don’t want to help them anymore, but quitting in a rush could backfire to me somehow.

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