Test how many words you know in Japanese

Just stumbled upon this test which measures how many words in general you kno win Japanese. Please do the test and share your results below!


Edit 1: The test asks **not to pick words you are seeing for the first time, only the ones you already knew before the test**. That is specially true for the katakana words.

Edit 2: According to u/fujirin, the **test is aimed at native japanese speakers**.

>I’m a native Japanese speaker and took the test (Reiwa edition) honestly. My result indicates that my vocabulary consists of 71,872 words. This test is designed for native Japanese speakers, and even junior high school students know many more words than those required for the JLPT N1.


  1. It says I know 46,875 words. I just started learning Japanese 6 months ago. Pretty sure this is super inaccurate lmao

    Edit: Did the Heisei version and got 4,800 , which sounds about right

  2. I got 47260語, which actually seems to be within my age range (albeit towards the lower end).
    Still kinda stoked about that, considering I’m comparing myself to native speakers.

  3. 49, 923? Though I feel this test is not geared towards non-natives as I could just pick all the interpretable katakana ones 😭

  4. I got 39716, but that’s just because I know Chinese, so I have no idea if this is accurate

  5. I don’t think this is accurate, first test said I knew 6198 even though I only recognized 残業 and モード and the second test said I know about 800 then I realized I didn’t select 朝風呂 cause I didn’t see it at first, checking that off upped me to 4400.

    For reference I know around 2500ish words maybe a couple hundred more.

  6. 37k! Lol! I wish!

    There is no way I’m anywhere near that!

    One thing anyone doing this should keep in mind is that this is a test designed for native speakers, so it’s probably made with assumptions about test-takers that don’t apply to those who are learning Japanese as a foreign language.

  7. I’m native Japanese speaker and my result was 94,902 word.

    It was more difficult than I expected.. I didn’t even know how to pronounce the word in the bottom third..
    I think knowing the upper half of the words is enough for daily conversation.

  8. Took the reiwa version.

    Test 1: 70659

    Test 2: 65296

    Test 3: 67249

    Seems consistent. I got about the first half on all 3 tests, they start off with common words but get really obscure towards the end.

  9. Test how many words you know *in kanji. You’ll get a pretty high result just by clicking the couple of katakana ones. I mostly learned via innumerable speaking interactions and it was a while ago and my kanji knowledge has faded the most.

    But at any rate based on different tries with the different tests I guess my vocab is somewhere in the narrowly defined range of 1.8 to 33k….

  10. I’m a native Japanese speaker and took the test (Reiwa edition) honestly. My result indicates that my vocabulary consists of 71,872 words. This test is designed for native Japanese speakers, and even junior high school students know many more words than those required for the JLPT N1.

    I wonder how non-native speakers who received results indicating that they have more than 20,000 words in their vocabulary answered the test.

    I guess a lot of people ignore this: ‘読める語、意味が予想できる語でも、「はじめて見た語」や「知らない語」は選ばないでください。’

    I didn’t choose words based on my ability to guess their meanings. Some terms are specific to certain fields, so even native Japanese speakers haven’t encountered them in our daily lives.

    For example, アルマイト and アマルガム – I can guess they are metallic materials or something similar, but I’m not entirely sure what they are, so I didn’t choose. I might guess that 愛他主義 is probably a way of thinking or a motto, but I haven’t encountered this term before, so I didn’t choose it. I later Googled it and found that people who have studied French philosophy might be familiar with the word. People should be honest, though.

  11. Er. I don’t think I got right result…

    It said 42 537 while I struggled too much on finding words I recognize…

  12. I only knew three words – one one each test and all three were katakana derived from English.

    My results are that I know **6295語** – I suppose those 6,295 are all katakana words as well?

  13. The katakana words can blow up the results super easily. If you don’t check them at all unless you can instantly recognize them at a glance it’s much better, also only words you know the readings and meaning of too. The first time I ignored these rules and it marked me at 27k, which is absurd and completely incorrect. I’m not even half of that.

  14. The test is obviously geared towards native speakers so I wouldn’t take whatever it tells you at face value.

  15. 19045語

    I feel a little accomplished since I haven’t been studying much lately, I’ve almost reached a vocabulary comparable to a middle schooler according to this test.

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