Getting rid of furniture

We moved to Japan in August and qere lucky that the person I was replacing at my company let us take over his apartment lease and left all the furniture for us for a very reasonable lump sum. We own it all now.

Things haven’t gone well with the job (a post for another thread) so it looks like our time in Japan will be short lived and we’ll be moving on too.

I’m worried about the apartment lease though.

First of all it’s a 2 year lease so I don’t know what happens if we end it early – if anyone knows the legalities around this id love to hear.

Secondly we now have a full apartment worth of furniture that we don’t want to take overseas.

Is there a way that we can connect with people who want a furnished apartment in Japan and give them the same deal we had? Or, failing that, are there any companies/second hand shops that can just strip an apartment for you?

I dread the idea of getting rid of items one by one on sayonara sales. We got all the furniture for a bargain so I’m really not looking to sell it for much (would even give away for free if it saved us hassle).

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