Any Tips for moving to Japan from Austria?

Hi. I’m planning on moving to japan in the end of 2024 or beginning of 2025. The area where I’ll move is Kansai, but as I don’t have a job yet (still searching) the exact location is unclear. I have been to japan a few times and are able to speak japanese a bit (still learning).

The biggest questions I have are regarding the paperwork (both Austria & Japan) and shipping all my stuff to japan. I’ll try to get rid of as much as possible, but still quite a few and heavy packages. I know that I need a moving company which helps me packaging and shipping the things. Any tips on handling a moving company and some references?

As I don’t have a job in japan yet, but need one with a visa, I’m not sure how much the japanese company is helping me regarding the transition to japan and the paperwork. As for the paperwork in Austria I think it’s fairly simple. Just cancelling all subscription, de-register from the civil register and telling the tax office I’m moving away. Or might there be anything else to do in Austria? As for japan, is it recommended to hire a company for moving to japan, which helps with the paperwork in japan?

Thankful for any input & insight from you guys 🙂

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