Job asking for Resident Card and Passport copy

I made a throwaway because I don’t want to out myself to the place, but basically it’s a small place where I requested if I could work part-time.

They told me right away they need a copy of the residence card and a copy of my passport. I said no place I ever worked for needed a passport copy and technically even a residence card copy is not required (only showing it is required). They said that if I don’t like these rules for the job, which they themselves make, I can look for work elsewhere.

I think this is pretty weird because it sounds sketchy they want both of this from me and are not okay with me just showing my passport (no copy). I was nice and even agreed I’d be okay with a resident card copy (have a valid visa for the job) although I know I don’t have to give it but it wasn’t enough for them.

When I asked what they require from their Japanese staff they said just the Juminhyo (residence certificate). I said I could get that too but they said because I’m not Japanese it’s not what they want from me.

Has anyone else come across a situation like this? It’s not worth the job for me I guess, and sounds sketchy and like a power move. Either they don’t care about their employees’ sensitive data or they actually use/sell it or do whatnot with it.

Edit: Why are all subjectively correct answers downvoted? Is this a troll community?

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