4ish Days – Sapporo/Otaru/Niseko – Snow festival -1 traveler

Headed to Tokyo from Toronto on the 7th, hoping to hit the snow festival, get in a ski day in Niseko (Grand Hifru), and spend time in Otaru & jozankei Onsen. Going to be staying in Eniwa ( that’s where I could find a place at a reasonable price point), and I will be renting a car.

**Thursday, Feb 8th, Tokyo**

~~Early Morning~~


Afternoon: Reach Haneda \~4 Pm

Evening: Explore/Crash

~~Late Night~~

**Friday, Feb 9th, CTS/Eniwa/Sapporo (2 hr drive up)**

Early Morning: Get to Haneda

Morning: Fly to CTS for \~9 AM

Afternoon: Get Car/Check-in in Eniwa/Snow Festival

Evening: Snow Festival

Late Night: Crash

**Saturday, Feb 10th, Eniwa/Sapporo (1 hr drive – better to take the train ?)**

Early Morning: Sapporo market (Nijo)

Morning: Mount Moiwa + Fishimi INsari + Hokkaido Jingu

Afternoon: Snow festival (Suskino)

Evening: Snow festival (Tsudome)

Late Night: ????

**Sunday, Feb 11th, Niseko/Otaru (2 hr drive)**

Early Morning: Breakfast in Eniwa or on the way to Niseko (if there are any places to check out ??)

Morning: Get to the rental shop to get all ski gear and hit the hills

Afternoon: More ski + Dairy farm

Evening: Otaru festival ?

Late Night: Head back to Eniwa

**Monday, Feb 12th, Otaru/Jozankei Onsen (2 hr drive)**

Early Morning : Otaru Triangle Market

Morning: Otaru Music Box Museum

Afternoon: Drive to Jozankei and hit a Onsen

Evening: ??

Late Night: ??

**Tuesday, Feb 13th, Otaru/Jozankei Onsen (1hr Drive)**

Early Morning: Otaru Triangle Market

Morning: Fly Back to Tokyo.

**Tokyo 13th afternoon – 18th Late night: Follow the sample itinerary from this sub.**

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