Itinerary Check: 3 weeks in Oct-Nov 2024

Hey everyone! I’m currently planning a 3-week trip to Japan in late October/early November this year.

I have been to Japan once before (2 weeks in august back in 2016 to Osaka, Tokyo, Hokkaido). This time is a solo trip (27m). The plan is to travel light with a big backpack and a small daypack. I did pass the JLPT N2 in Dezember 2021, so I should be able to understand and read a fair bit as well as hold at least simple conversations in Japanese.

I’m like nice scenery/nature, historic sites and also enjoy just walking around. So it’s completely fine if there are some days with “less” to do as well. I do have experience with longer/multi-day hikes in the (European) alps.

One of my original goals were the autumn colors in Kyoto, but as I had to make some compromises, I will at best clips the time the leaves start to change color. But that’s fine. Below is the current plan in short. I haven’t decided on specific hotels/ryokan/hostels to stay in yet (for the most part).


**Day 1 (21.10. 火): Arrival** \- Stay in: Tokyo (Shinagawa/Shinjuku?)

* Arrive in Haneda at 5 pm
* Immigration, get Welcome Suica + JR Pass (maybe?)
* To accommodation

**Day 2 (23.10. 水): Arrival -** Stay in: Matsumoto

* Travel to Matsumoto
* Matsumoto castle & vicinity

**Day 3 (24.10. 木): Kiso Valley** \- Stay in: Matsumoto

* Hike along a part of the Nakasendo (Tsumago-juku and on) from Nagiso station

**Day 4 (25.10. 金) – Kamikouchi**Stay in: Matsumoto

* Daytrip to Kamikouchi

**Day 5 (26.10. 土): Alpen Route** \- Stay in: Mikurigaki Onsen / Murodo

* Alpine Route from Shinano Omachi to Murodo
* Hike to/around Tateyama
* Stay in the Mikurigaki Onsen

**Day 6 (27.10. 日): back to Tokyo** \- Stay in: Tokyo (somewhere)

* Alpine route down to Toyama; (pick up luggage at Dentetsu-Toyama)
* Travel to Tokyo
* Do laundry
* Explore surroundings

**Day 7 (28.10. 月): Tokyo 1** \- Stay in: Tokyo

* Asakusa
* Skytree
* Akihabara

**Day 8 (29.10. 火): Kamakura** \- Stay in: Tokyo

* Daytrip to Kamakura

**Day 9 (30.10. 水): Tokyo 2** \- Stay in: Tokyo

* Shibuya
* Tokyo National Museum
* Ginza, Chuuou

**Day 10 (31.10. 木): Mt. Takao** \- Stay in: Tokyo

* Daytrip to Mt. Takao and Mt. Otake
* Do Laundry?

**Day 11 (01.11. 金): Enoshima** \- Stay in: Hakone

* Leave luggage in Oufune or Fujiwsawa Station
* Explore Enoshima
* Travel to Hakone
* Explore surroundings

**Day 12 (02.11. 土): Hakone 1** \- Stay in: Hakone

* Hakone Ropeway
* Walk along Like Ashi (maybe pirate ship tour)
* Explore surroundings

**Day 13 (03.11. 日): Hakone 2 -** Stay in: Hakone

* Take bus to Sengokuhara
* Hike up Mt. Kintoki
* (文化の日 / Culture day!)

**Day 14 (04.11. 月): Travel to Kyoto** \- Stay in: Kyoto

* Travel to Kyoto
* Do laundry
* Explore surroundings
* (文化の日 / Culture day! (since the 3rd is a Sunday))

**Day 15 (05.11. 火): Kyoto 1** \- Stay in: Kyoto

* Toufuku-ji & Fushimi Inari
* Ouiwa Jingu
* Fushimi Castle

**Day 16 (06.11. 水): Nara** \- Stay in: Kyoto

* Daytrip to Nara

**Day 17 (07.11. 木): Kyoto 2** \- Stay in: Kyoto

* Arashiyama
* Hogon-in & Tenyruu-ji
* Heian-jingu

**Day 18 (08.11. 金): Kyoto 3** \- Stay in: Kyoto

* Koudai-ji & Maruyama park
* Walk around Gion & Higashiyama
* Kiyomizu-dera

**Day 19 (09.11. 土): Kyoto/Osaka** \- Stay in: Osaka

* Check-out; store luggae
* Kyoto Railway Museum
* Travel to Osaka
* Osaka Shinsekai, Namba

**Day 20 (10.11. 日): Departure**

* Go to airport (KIX)
* Flight departure at 10 am

Any kind of feedback or suggestions on what to see or not to see as well as lodging … or anythingelse is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Unsure points / questions:

* **Alpine Route:** I’m a bit afraid that going at the end of October might be too late…The reason I plan to go to Matsumoto pretty much straight after landing in Haneda is to get here as early as I can. If possible, I’d like to hike up to the peak of Tateyama the day I arrive in Murodo. If that should not be possible due to weather conditions, day light or other I can at least at take my time exploring, looking at the sunset and enjoying the onsen.I’m not sure about what to do about my big backpack. Either let them forward it and then pick it back up the next day at Dentetsu Toyama or bring it with me on the route. It would definitely be more convenient to travel without it, but since I’ll be staying at the Mikurigaki Hut I’d feel better having all my stuff with me. It’s not a suitcase but a backpack, so I should be able to manage just fine, but I also don’t want to cause inconvenience for others or personal. Has anyone experience with that?
* **Kiso Valley**: My first intention was to hike from Nagiso station all the way to Ochiaigawa Station. But that turned out to be a bit much for one day. At least considering that the train ride from Matsumoto already takes 2 hours one way.
* **Enoshima:** Originally, I wanted to visit Kamakura and Enoshima in one go, but then realized that I can’t fit both in the same day with the places I want to see in Kamakura (not just the bronze buddha). That’s why the current plan is to go visit Enoshima on my way to Hakone by parking my luggage at Ofuna or Fujiwara station. That way I can also go straight to my hotel when I arrive in Hakone in the afternoon.What do you think?
* **Culture day:** What sort of shops are closed on culture day? The only information I found was that some shops and attractions might be closed and look out for that.


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