Police called to ask me to take down a bad google review

Get ready for long post. TLDR at the end.

So backstory about me, I have this stomach condition that comes and goes, not sure what triggers it, but it just happens, and when it does, I will be vomiting everything and anything I put in my mouth (even medicine) until medicine is injected to me through IV drip. It’s been happening to me for 10+ years and so far no one has been able to give me a proper diagnosis, but several doctors (not only from Japan but from my home country and Singapore) have thought it could be Gastroparesis.

Last summer, it happened again, and my usual hospitals were all full. I had not been able to eat or drink anything for 3 days so I decided to go to a clinic that could accommodate me ASAP. My sister and dad even flew in as soon as they heard to help me move around as I was literally too weak to walk by myself.
I ended up in a gastro clinic close to where I live, we didn’t wait long, there were no lines whatsoever.

When the doctor called me in, my dad came in with me. The doctor who was an old grumpy man had already been frowning. He asked me what was wrong and I explained to him my condition.
He then cut me off and asked me if my dad knew how to speak Japanese. I said no, and he said “Then there’s no reason for him to be here then?”. This has never happened before in any clinic I’ve been to in the past, but I had no energy to argue so I asked my dad to step out for a bit.

So I continue talking to the doctor about the diagnosis of other doctors I’ve seen and what treatments I was used to receiving, and he kept asking me questions like: “Are you afraid of getting fat?” or “have you tried to vomit to lose weight?”. At this point I already knew what he was implying, and the answers were all no. I have never been conscious of my weight, in fact, I have been trying to increase my weight because I’ve gotten so skinny from my previous gastroparesis attacks (I lose about 3kgs everytime it hits).
He still insisted it I was bulimic and told me that he can’t help me and that I needed to see a different doctor. Without doing any sort of examination on me, not asking to see previous test results whatsoever.
I tried to explain what treatments have worked before and that I really needed help then because I was so weak and dehydrated, and he just said rudely that Japan clinics don’t work that way and had his assistant usher us out.

I was angry and in shock, I have never been treated this way by any doctor/clinic before.
After finally receiving treatment at a different hospital and after getting my energy back, I googled this clinic and saw a lot of reviews saying similar things. The doctor is rude and unprofessional and doesn’t listen to his patients.
So I wrote a comment of my own, called the clinic racist and unprofessional and basically wrote down what I had experienced.

Last month, I got a call from the police telling me to put the post down, calling it 誹謗中傷.
TBH, the police were no better. They treated me like a kid even though I could speak decent Japanese. I told them what I had experienced and they didn’t care, they just told me I could get in trouble if I didn’t delete the post.

I got intimidated and eventually deleted the post but thinking back, I feel so much regret for doing so.
Had I not deleted the post, what was the worst thing they could do to me?? They found out it was me because unfortunately google put my entire name above the review, but other commenters had an alias. I feel it should still be my right to be able to leave a comment about my experience. Was I actually in the wrong??

TLDR: I had a bad experience at a clinic so I wrote a google review and cops called me to take it down.

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