University of Tokyo chances..?

University of Tokyo chances…?

Hi! So I’m planning on applying here and moving to Japan, as I love how their liberal studies program looks! There is however a slight issue- which is my high school transcript. I wasn’t an amazing student between the 9-11th grade aside from the second term of my 11th (I was an IB student), and up till then my average was a 5 all around until the 12th where I raised it to a 6.

On my final IB exams I did score a 39 though, and I was on the student council, I was the head of the events committee for two years, I have work experience, I run a small online business and have had work with other small business and have boothed and vendored for events and pop ups, I waitressed, I do volunteer work, and I can get strong recommendation letters as well as present commendation certificates for hard work and improvement.

With those accomplishments do you think I would still present a strong application even with my previous poor grades?

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