4 caught cheating on Japan’s unified university entrance exams

4 caught cheating on Japan’s unified university entrance exams


  1. Can somebody explain this one please?

    > And in Gifu Prefecture, a candidate used a ruler, which is prohibited during the science exam, to measure lengths.

    Ideally with an example, demonstrating its heiniosity. Thanks!

  2. Very stupid of them and some seem more accidental than malicious (especially the ruler!).

    Meanwhile the guy with the wi-fi connected vibrator up his bum and his mate with the remote control are on their way to Todai.

  3. I will admit that I’ve proctored for similar exams in the past and the security system leading up to and during the exam is beyond belief. If a student drops their pencil, they are not allowed to pick it up without notifying a proctor, who can only pick it up with two fingers, facing front, while being watched by a second proctor. Upon picking it up, I must in one continuous motion, raise it above my head for all to see, then inspect it before placing it on the student’s desk, precisely parallel to the front of the classroom and in the top, right hand 1/8 of the desktop. If a student drops anything a second time, they are given a verbal warning, third time the item is confiscated and they are not allowed to complete the exam.

  4. 3 out of 4 should have been resolved with a simple warning from the invigilator. The fourth was wilful stupidity, though I understand the pressure for “just 5 more seconds I’ll finish this!”

    None were cheating in the conventional sense.

  5. I simply feel bad for them. I hope their parents won’t blame them too harshly. Hopefully, they can take a year off and sit for next year’s exam. Gap year is actually a remedy from academic stress students accumulate during high school.

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