Tokyo Government to release official dating app

Tokyo Government to release official dating app

  1. You maybe want to improve the quality of life first J’gov’t?

    No? You want to make a dating app instead? You think that’s why people aren’t getting hitched at starting families?

    You sure? Really? *ThorIsHeThough.jpg*

  2. > But now the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is here to help by releasing their own dating app ***with the security that only the world’s biggest bureaucracy can provide.***

    Bets on how many days before some security flaw is found?

  3. Insult creating a dating app, instill in the culture what love & relationships are!!!

  4. I can think of nothing more exciting than letting the tokyo government play matchmaker. I think being a sperm donor would be more romantic.

  5. Can’t be any worse than the Starbucks and back of the head gallery app, sometimes called Tinder

  6. Isn’t the problem less about the aspect of dating and more about the workaholic nature that makes it near impossible for a Japanese person to start a family because they just don’t have the time to actually make time for a family? What needs to shift is the overworked nature of the Japanese worker, they need to create a healthier environment for work/life balance that actually gives their citizens time to produce a family. A dating app isn’t going to help when their time is already constrained and by the time they have free time, they want to relax with things that offer an easy dopamine, the amount of effort that goes into a relationship isn’t worth it for many when they don’t have a proper life/work balance to make it work.

  7. The government thinks people don’t already use dating apps lol

    People use them to met up for casual sex and flings. What they don’t, and will not, use them for is finding a partner to raise kids. Not until something in the work-life balance and income changes.

  8. The japanese government will literally do everything, but address the declining material condition (that resulted from terrible work culture and policies) of the japanese people that have led to their birth decline.

  9. Next month: “Tokyo government offers women under 30 cash money to use dating app.”

    The month after: “Tokyo government issues fines to men seeking sex instead of marriage”

    The month after that: “Tokyo government dating app shut down after scandal”

  10. I’m gonna go with “flimsy excuse to get a bureaucrat’s lucky friend a lot of money from a highly inflated government contract for a useless app.”

  11. Isn’t the real “problem” the fact that women are, as time goes by, being taken more and more seriously in the work place and able to make their own money and do whatever they want?

    I don’t think this is a bad thing, but women are naturally going to want to have less babies than they did 30, 40, 50 years ago. Then you factor in more information and access to sexual health that allows the women to have almost complete control on when they decided to give birth and that cuts it even more.

    The developed countries in the world are all never going to reach the levels of birth that they had in the past.

    I think improving conditions for families and improving work life balance could help, and that is honestly what the government should be using our tax dollars on instead of this nonsense, but familes aren’t going to have on average 3,4,5 kids like they did back in the day.

    Edit:I can’t believe that 30 years ago was only the 90s. damn I’m getting old…

    Edit 2: Also, I know Japan doesn’t have all the rights for sexual minorities, but we aren’t persecuted or anything, so more people, instead of forcing themselves into a hetro marriage, feel more comfortable being queer. That is also probably cutting the birthrate a little. I dunno what the situation is for adopting or surrogacy is, but it can’t be an easy process.

  12. I don’t know why, but the requirement of having to provide a government certificate proving you are single just cracks me up, definitely a good reason to visit the ward office.

  13. I know this news is gonna be a punching bag for a lot of people, but I know municipal governments near me have similar programs (minus the fancy AI integration of Tokyo’s app) for city citizens and public workers and I know a lot of people do find life partners through them.

    There’s something about using a service where you know, more or less, the person you’ll potentially go on a date with is *exactly* what the app says they are, including occupation and salary, that seems to be more successful.

    Of course, it also means the chances of getting that first shot is a lot lower if you have a particularly undesirable job or background because you’ll be filtered out real quick by the opposite sex.

  14. It seems a lot of people, including the writers of the article, are missing the point. Vetting for security is kind of important on dating apps because there are a lot of frauds and scammers. There’s a lot of married people, both men and women, posing to be single in order to find some side action. Then there are scammers who try to trick people into cash frauds. The security the government is offering is against those, which run rampant even on the most serious of dating apps.

    I’m sure there’s still a lot of issues and problems with the concept as a whole, but the idea of security is to vet out the malicious users that plague everywhere else.

  15. I was there a couple months ago and I was honestly shocked at how many ads for dating apps were all over the city. They really want people to have babies.

  16. >_vetting process which requires users to prove their marital status and income_

    One takeaway the government will get from this… they’ll realize the reason why no one is getting married is because a large portion of the population is fucking broke because their wages haven’t increased in 30 years.

  17. Love all of the comments on here lol

    Serious take though:
    Verification would eliminate bots/scammers, and government-built would mean no ads/pay-to-swipe mechanics, right? So even if one couple managed to meet and marry through the app, the government could consider it a win, right?

  18. Lol no comment on the idea but if the execution is anything like the vaccination app thing then good luck

  19. Lol no. I already have enough experience to confidently say dating apps are a scam/trauma factory.

  20. On the plus side, this may be the start of a legitimate, government backed, escort service platform. Great for the industry.

  21. ‘Tokyo government offers users of the app cash payments to help with cost of living costs. A payment of 20,000 yen in November 2024’

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