People staying with us in Japan?

Requesting advice,

I have some family and friends wanting to come visit us in Japan. While we (my husband and I) are super excited to welcome them, we aren’t thrilled with the idea of them staying for a week, or more in our house.

1st: Is it wrong to feel that way? My husband and I are introverts, so we do like opening up our home, but we feel exhausted after a few hours, nevermind a few days of hosting.

2nd: I can tell there’s an expectation that we open up our home and host them the whole time. But I’m hoping to compromise and ask if people would be willing to hotel a bit and stay at our house for some of it.

I just want to know if the general consensus is:
– it should be an expectation and we need to suck it up and just host them and be good sports.
– if it’s not a given and we should be able to have boundaries around how much someone stays in our home.

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