Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (January 17, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Going through my notes on the zero/null particle, I feel I mostly get it, but I came across this example:

    ワタシ キレイ?: 現象文

    私はキレイ?: 判断文

    And to be honest I don’t really get the nuance difference? Is it that the first is asking objectively and the second is asking comparatively / relatively?

  2. hi! i’ve known 子宮 to mean womb for a month now and just stumbled upon 胎 while skimming through lv51-60 kanji on wanikani to see if i recognized anything. what’s the effective difference between both terms?

  3. I am taking JPN 102 in college using Genki to learn Japanese. The Genki book as a vocabulary section for each lesson (or chapter). How can I learn how to write each kanji in this vocabulary section? Is there some kind of online “thing” that I can input a word for and it will output the kanji and its stroke order? Or does the supplement book teach kanji stroke order for each vocabulary word and what each kanji means? The back of the book has some kanji but not many.

  4. Hi! I’m looking for an android app that can show the reading/読み方 of kanji (preferably hiragana but English would also work) from a camera or photo. Does anyone know any app that has this function?

  5. To try find what other people might think about a book or a movie, what would be the search terms you’d use? (So far I have just tried to search with the word “感想” and sometimes added “note” or “ameba”.)

  6. 隣りにいて 恥ずかしくない僕でいなきゃ

    What does this line mean? I roughly translate it to “I can’t be embarrassed/flustered next to you” but I’m not sure if it’s fully correct

  7. i’m confused on 非常に the difference between other words such as とても、凄く、超, etc。is 非常に used to mean with a nuance of extremely??

  8. Which way should I learn kanji?

    I’m taking AP Japanese this semester and have been working through the AP 410 Kanji list (List of Kanji by College Board that you should learn for the test). I’m making fast progress, especially with learning the meaning of individual kanji, but I’m not sure how I should learn them. Should I focus on learning them in context, and to what extent? Should I be able to write/reproduce all of them? Should I focus on more common ones, or do them in any sort of order? Any advice would be appreciated!

  9. Trying to understand if there’s a similar interchangeably in Japanese between the words this and that (これ・それ). For example, how would one refer to something like “ah, this is a difficult custom for people to acclimate to”?

    In English we use this and that with a certain flexibility; in the example above, it would perhaps be more appropriate to use “that,” especially if the person you’re responding to is the one who’s having the difficulty. But it could also be a universal difficulty, one experienced by the speaker. Do you just choose one and hope the meaning is conveyed properly?

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