Was charged twice by a food service and now they refused to refund me

Long story short, I ordered a food service (those healthy bento kind) through this website let’s call it GF using Amazon Pay.
On my Amazon Pay, I have 2 payment methods, which are my Prepaid debit card that I need to top up, and my JCB Rakuten Credit Card.

I topped up my debit card and charged it 11,360 yen, which was the exact cost on how much the food was. And then after I ordered it, it said that the order was a success, but the next day I received a notification that the Amazon Pay payment using my prepaid debit card failed, so they used my alternative credit card which is my JCB Rakuten Credit card, same amount 11,360 yen.
And when I looked at both the GF website and also Amazon Pay, they did duplicate my order with one day difference 01/08 and 01/09. They charged my prepaid debit card too. It was a double order.

I tried to ask for a refund from GF website, but they refused to because their reasoning was “you did order the second one on 01/08 15:37” but when I checked the purchase history, the second one was on 01/09 00:07 when pretty sure I was already asleep back then 🤡

I have exchanged more than 10 emails with GF customer support and they kept insisting it is not possible to refund because the items have been sent. I told them that, I called Yamato and rejected the package, and they said they will resend it again and imply that they will charge my credit card again for the Yamato shipping until I accept the item (I removed my Amazon Pay payment method on their website already luckily)

I did consult with AmazonPay and they said I should wait 15 days and then apply for the Amazon Marketplace Warranty if I don’t receive any solution / GF doesn’t want to cooperate. Amazon Pay also said that sometimes duplicate orders can be made when using prepaid debit card because they would charge twice? Or something like that.

What do you guys think about this? should I just wait 15 days? but that warranty is not 100% refunded right? it can be rejected by Amazon too.

Thank you so much for the help.

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