Japanese cult, Need help regarding my personal information

Hello I just want to share my experiences and asking some of tips.

So around 1 week ago I’ve met 2 people at Akihabara we talked a lot of anime and stuff and we exchange LINE.

After that 2 days ago he asked me to meet at ikebukuro to hang out, and he took me in a hall where I wrotes my data like date of birth, name, address and phone number mail address etc. They said it was a Japanese “culture”.

After that they invited me to this hall somewhat we do a weird prayers it can be turns into a luck kinda thing soon after he gave me this book and a beads prayer.

So I’ve been searching this weird stuff turns out it’s a cult

Since I gave my address, phone number, email address etc.

Should I change my phone number and report to police? Or I just like say goodbye through LINE like “im not interested to this kind of stuff”.

Somewhat a bit super cautious rn, or just ignore them are the right things to do?


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