What do hospitals do about COVID patients needing a test now?

So I have COVID again. No smell taste. Last time I had it two years ago I called the ambulance and they took me to a hospital. Tested me while I sat outside. Told me to walk home, yeah. Next day I got the results.
Is this still the standard procedure? Or can I walk and request?

  1. I believe you just stay home isolated for at least 5 days. Unless your life is in danger, then call an ambulance.

  2. You can go to most any clinic in my city and get a test. Usually there’s a sign out front that says you should call a number if you are presenting with cold symptoms. You wait in your car and they do the test there. Though some clinics here have negative pressure rooms built now to test people.

    The test isn’t free, though. I got tested last week and it was a couple thousand yen.

  3. go to a 内科 internal medicine clinic. they can test you for $40? or so. and they might give you something for it. best of luck.

  4. Call your nearest naika (内科) and they will direct you when to come for a test. It will cost about ¥3000 with insurance. Do not walk in directly without contacting them. If you are having trouble finding a clinic that accepts fever patients, look on your city hall’s webpage for “コロナウイルス かかりつけ” or “発熱外来”.

    If you want to get a better result from the home tests, swab your tonsil areas first and then each of your nostrils. You want to go at least 2cm back in your nose and swab each area for at least 15 seconds. Make sure to squeeze the swab inside the tube and mix for 30 seconds at least.

    Feel better soon.

  5. I’ve got Covid as well.

    Just walked into a pharmacy with a mask on an bought a test. And also ordered a few from Amazon.

    Maybe the Amazon tests would be sufficient for your company? They need to clarify that.

  6. Depending on where you are, you could order some affordable tests off Amazon & get them tomorrow. We keep the COVID/Flu A/B tests on hand as our Dr always asks if we’ve tested before seeing us.

    Discovered that what I’d ordered was the same one used by my youngest’s pediatrician. Never had a problem with the Drs accepting these tests.

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