How to most efficiently improve listening comprehension?

I had a run in with some ~real life Japanese people~ at my work today. I work in the breakfast business. My coworker asked me to help because they were having trouble communicating. I did okayish. I was able to take their order and make small talk, but overall was super disappointed in my listening comprehension.

I’m a relatively new learner here. Halfway through Genki, Wanikani lvl 6, been speaking with a native tutor (in a strictly Japanese classroom environment) regularly for about 2 months.

So I’m wondering how I can most efficiently achieve a decent listening comprehension level? I want to be able to watch, say, an episode of Doraemon with 80-90% comprehension within a year or so. Is that realistic? What worked for you guys? Teach me your study methods せんぱい。

  1. Don’t worry about methods just know you have years of effort ahead of you. You’re halfway through a first semester uni textbook don’t put expectations on yourself. it’s good that you felt how deep the water is instead of randomly self assessing your skills.

  2. You just gotta keep listening and studying then eventually you’ll start to hear words you didn’t hear 5 months ago

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