Opposite of すぎる?

I’m beginning to learn Japanese and was wondering if there’s a way to express “not enough” of something in a similar way to すぎる. Is there?

  1. If you mean as a verb, for example, I ate too much cake ケーキを食べ過ぎた, the way to say I didnt eat enough cake would be ケーキを充分に食べなかった.

    足りない is not an antonym of 過ぎる, its an antonym of 足りる

  2. I feel like I’m being asked the antonym of “too” in English as in “too much”. Your answer that the part you change is not “too” part but “much” part, like “too less”. In that sense, すぎる doesn’t necessarily translate that something is in excess, but it can be used to say that something is lacking as well.

    – 多すぎる <-> 少なさすぎる (We write 少なすぎる as well but I’m not sure about the grammar. I feel like the one with さ is purport one but someone may correct me on this!)
    – 寒すぎる <-> 暑すぎる
    – 冷たすぎる <-> 熱すぎる
    – 厚すぎる <-> 薄すぎる


  3. As everyone says, 足りない and similar forms should work great! To add, you can say あつすぎない (not so incredibly hot), which isn’t really what you were looking for but it’s a fun twist.

  4. I didn’t eat enough cake.
    Kēki ga tarinakatta

  5. There are several ways to express this depending on what it is not enough of

  6. Hey! I know it’s been a while since you posted this but I just wanted to let you know you can negate the verb (or adjective) and add すぎるto say some thing is too little or not enough.
    For example 食べる in negative is 食べない so you can say 食べなすぎる。
    あなたは食べなすぎます。 You eat too little.
    Negative short form – い + すぎる

    昨日、寝なすぎた。 I slept too little yesterday.

    あの人、面白くなさすぎる。 = つまらなすぎる
    That person is way too boring(not funny).

    I (unfortunately) got fat because I exercised too little last year.

    Hope it answers your question!

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