I need some audiobook advice.

I could use some advice for improving my listening, I’ve reeeeallly neglected it in favor of reading. I love listening to audiobooks in English so I bought a bunch in Japanese to get some practice with. I recently finished reading the first book in 本好きの下克上 and I thought I’d go back and listen to it while reading along. It didn’t go well…. I immediately had to turn the speed to .75 because I couldn’t keep up. Even after, I struggled following along and anytime a sentence had a word I didn’t immediately recognize my brain just locks in on it and while my brain parses the meaning I end up losing the rest of the sentence and lose where the narrator is in the text. I just finished the prologue and despite having read it before (albeit weeks ago) I feel way over my head. I don’t want to give up though. What are some strategies I could try to improve my listening comprehension while using the audiobook?

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