Would you “do it all again”?

This is addressed to anyone, but in particular those who’ve been in Japan a while. I’ll leave the definition of “a while” to each individual.

So the question is: with the benefit of hindsight, knowing what you do about Japan now, would you still have moved here? And, why / why not?

I’m guessing a large part of most people’s answers will be based on where they moved here from. In my case that’s the UK, which isn’t exactly going through a golden period of civilisation at present (but then few countries are). There are still good things about it, but on balance I definitely made the right choice to move to Japan. Less crime, a stronger economy (still higher in the rankings), things generally work a lot better, doesn’t currently have a government which rules for the richest of the rich and is trying to dismantle the health service, and so on. I miss the wit and irreverence that lies at the heart of the UK psyche, but I can get that from watching HIGNFY reruns online.

So in my case it’s basically a yes, I would do it all again.


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