Smartphone Recommendations

4 years ago, during peak COVID, I imported a Huawei P40 Lite from the UK. It’s an amazing phone that served me faithfully for 4 years, though its lack of Google play services is a huge drawback that has made adapting to the new paypay culture quite difficult.

This morning it slipped out of my coat pocket and the screen cracked: a good opportunity to get a new one.

I’m looking for a new phone around Â¥20k〜30k that has better specs than the Huawei P40 Lite. Personal criteria: can use Google play, can use paypay, decent battery life, no stuttering when playing smartphone games. A good camera isn’t necessary (rarely take pictures).

My last two phones were purchased on /Japanlife recommendations, so I figured I’d ask here. Thank you in advance. =)

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