Mid april 5.5 days in japan

First time planning a trip to japan, is this feasible? A suica card should be applicable for all of these destinations right? without the need of car/taxi (idm walking). also for the last day im planning to stay the night at narita airport since its 6am in the morning, what is the last transport from funabashi/kashiwa to the airport?

16 apr:
0630 reach japan airport
0800 leave airport to nikko hotel after
get welcome suica
get sim card
1200 reach nikko explore chuzenji
1900 check in nikko (little forest inn), explore area
17 apr:
0900 check out
1000 Kanmangafuchi
1130 shinkyo bridge
Futaarasan Shrine (fes)
find cherry blossom
1600 check in nikko (nikko station 2)
18 apr:
0900 check out nikko hotel
1100 oya temple
1500 check in utsunomiya (Chisun Inn Utsunomiya Kanuma)
1600 utsunomiya castle ruins park, explore area
19 apr:
0900 check out utsunomiya
1200 washinmiya
1500 kawagoe (taisho roman street)
2000 check in shiki (Toyoko Inn Shiki eki Higashi guchi), explore area
20 apr:
0900 check out shiki
1000 akiba
1500 check in tokyo (Tabist Hotel Florida Ikebukuro)
1600 explore
21 apr:
1000 check out last hotel
1030 Tenso Shrine, Ota-ku, Tokyo (fes)
funabnashi (daiso giga) / kashiwa
make my way to airport
22 apr:
6am fly


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