I made this bento for only $2.86

I made this bento for only $2.86

  1. Japanese food has this reputation for being expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. To prove it, I’ve been challenging myself and others to put together a tasty bento for under $3. This particular one has maple miso chicken, made by pan-frying chicken and then glazing it with a sauce made from equal parts miso, maple syrup, and sake. It’s finished with scallions and then packed with rice, edamame, carrots, and a boiled egg. Here’s how my ingredients break down in price:

    * Edamame $0.44
    * Carrot $0.12
    * Lettuce $0.14
    * Eggs $0.15
    * Chicken $2.84
    * Maple Syrup $0.74
    * Miso $0.12
    * Sake $0.41
    * Scallions $0.33
    * Rice $0.43

    TOTAL for 2 bentos: $5.71

    COST PER BENTO: **$2.86**

    If you want a more detailed recipe for this, I have [one here](https://youtu.be/Stgia5YI1PQ).

  2. It looks very delicious.

    However, it seems difficult to eat Edamame in the Bento.

    I think String-beans or snow-peas is good.

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