Chinese woman ‘detained for wearing Japanese kimono’

Chinese woman ‘detained for wearing Japanese kimono’

  1. >Chinese woman ‘detained for wearing Japanese kimono’ IN CHINA


    Not having a go at you, OP, as its the Guardian that’s at fault with the misleading headline, as some would think that the woman was arrested for wearing a kimono in Japan upon initial reading of the headline prior to reading the article.

  2. It’s interesting how very differently China regards the kimono and hanbok. Some Koreans are furiously accusing China of claiming the hanbok as its own. At least the Japanese couldn’t accuse China of the same offense regarding the kimono, judging from this article.

  3. I remember reading an article in a martial arts magazine about a Chinese man who started to study karate, and caught absolute hell from his family for it.

    International relations, eh? What a barrel of laughs.

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