From 0 to N1 in less than 2 years

23 months from 0 to N1.

I just wanted to share it with you, as it may serve as a motivation for some as other reports were a motivation for me, like the one from Stevijs3.

Here are my stats the day before the test:

Listening: 1498:56 hours
Reading: 1591:06 hours
Anki: 462:44 hours
TOTAL TIME: **3552:46 hours**
(The time spent studying kanji and grammar was not measured)

111 novels read
12915 mined sentences

My bookmeter link: [](

These past 2 months I’ve slowed down a bit, since I’ve been focusing on my uni exams but I will continue to do things as before when I finish them.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  1. Did your comprehension level increase stepwise or continuously? If the former, what do you think triggered each increase in comprehension level?

  2. Bro, that’s amazing, how did you do it? Right now I’m stuck because my memory is bad and I tend to forget vocabulary very quickly🥲. Any advice?

  3. I do have a question.

    What was your method in order to be able to read consistently and that much throughout your journey?
    I mean personally, I’ve been studying Japanese for many years now and reading is still a chore. Even when I get all the words and grammar points of a sentence, I sometimes can’t make sense of the whole sentence. The only thing that recently helped me a little is using learnnatively to check the level of my current book, and then up it little by little.
    Other than that, I can’t read most novels or light novels without being forced to open the dictionary every 2 seconds (which gets me out of the book). I do have a handicap in that I absolutely can’t stand childish books/manga and those are usually the low level ones.

  4. Kudos, that’s extremely disciplined and hard working.

    Studying ~5h/day for 2 years straight is crazy. Don’t think that more than 1-2% of people can pull this off.

  5. * What is your mother tongue?
    * Are you able to converse proficiently or did you just focus on reading?
    * Do you live in Japan?

  6. First of all, congrats!! That takes a lot of effort. And secondly, may I ask what did you use to study grammar? I think thats the worst part for me

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