How much did you have saved?

I”m looking to go to Japanese Language school in Japan and I wanted to know what’s a good amount of saving to have? How much did you have saved after school expenses? How was finding a part time job go for you? How much Japanese did you know when you had your part time job? Anything is appreciated. I’m 27 years old and after expenses, school cost, dorm, flight, etc, I would have about 7k USD left. Is this a good amount or not? I’m planning to stay for atleast a year.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **How much did you have saved?**

    I”m looking to go to Japanese Language school in Japan and I wanted to know what’s a good amount of saving to have? How much did you have saved after school expenses? How was finding a part time job go for you? How much Japanese did you know when you had your part time job? Anything is appreciated. I’m 27 years old and after expenses, school cost, dorm, flight, etc, I would have about 7k USD left. Is this a good amount or not? I’m planning to stay for atleast a year.

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  2. That’s $600 a month for food, transport, internet. Pretty tight. What if there are unexpected expenses?

  3. To get the student visa i think you need prove that you have at least 300 000 to 350 000 yen in your or guarantors bank account

    Generally i think japanese government prefers if you have 1000-2000 per month (including rent, utilities, transportation, fun and everything) but i have survived with a lot less as welll (during corona i was broke and had 2000 yen for a week at some point do yeah, theres ways)

    Alsoo as you live there you learn to find the cheapest supermarkets and depending where you go walking is very easy in cities like Kyoto etc!

    Generally finding baito is a good thing as you get to meet people outside of the school as well as extra money!

    I was able to find baito before i had any significant japanese skills and you learn as you go!
    Especially now it’s easy to find english baito in Japan due to the tourism boom

  4. I’m going for 6 months starting this april and saved around 15.000€, but expecting to go with 16.000€.

    I guess I’m good, but a bit worried because I’m looking for an apartment for myself.

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