Any advice for my situation

About a week ago my wife wanted a divorce, she said she doesn’t love me and can’t live with me, she explained that she felt this way since the beginning and only stayed for our daughter. On the weekend I found out she and been talking with another guy, she lied saying she wasn’t meeting him she did, and then stayed out with her friends until 5. The next morning she was crying explain it was all stress, nothing happened, she just felt like a mum not loved, and wanted to throwaway her stress. Then she wanted to be left alone for 3 hours, then she came and talked again saying she’s decided to work on our family and try build back our love if possible. She stated both times and even that night me and her daughter were her priority. That night we came back (Sunday) from her mums, and she explained her hearts hearting and she doesn’t want to eat she’s not sure she can be with me in 60-80 years. Said I love her she doesn’t me it’s not fair, I explained I’m okay and my priority is my daughter. Now today, I took a day off but so did she, she doesn’t want to be talked to, says she can’t be around me, and just scrolls tiktok or instagram. She seems cold and distant, but confused ? I don’t know. Does anyone have any advice ? Good lawyers ?

As additional information our daughter is 1 and there is another baby on way, roughly 14weeks in to it, so second trimester. I’ve been doing the house work all week, looking after my daughter, se barely plays with her, looks at her phone and then maybe turns around and plays a bit. I just want my daughter, if I can save my marriage it would be the best outcome. But communication feels lacking, especially since the Sunday it felt like we finally were communicating before returning from dinner.

Update: She talked and explained how it’s not me it’s not the other guy (she reiterated nothing happened) she said she just doesn’t love me, she wants love. She said the issue is she never married me because she loves me, only because we had a baby. She’s worried because she might not find someone because she’s a mum with kids. This upset me, because there were so many points for her to stop, and I never gave her anger or anything for her distance. The house the second kid all of these were stop points. I don’t think it’s hormones she sound adamant about not loving me

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