Pretty disappointed with the Will Ospreay match announced for Forbidden Door (they couldn’t throw in Yano for a triple threat?), but… it’s a marquee singles match for a major title, he’ll get over HUGE with the crowd (cause he’s one of the best in the world), and he’ll go over.

Pretty disappointed with the Will Ospreay match announced for Forbidden Door (they couldn’t throw in Yano for a triple threat?), but… it’s a marquee singles match for a major title, he’ll get over HUGE with the crowd (cause he’s one of the best in the world), and he’ll go over.

  1. I mentioned this elsewhere and got people crying

    Simply will deserves better than a comedy match even if he can do some things

  2. Man, some people really don’t know how good Orange is. Also, he may have a joke gimmick but he has been booked like a top guy in AEW. Just take a look at his trajectory the last 2 years.

    This match is gonna have goofy shit but they’re gonna end up flying all over the place when shit hits the fan

  3. If you don’t think Cassidy and Osprey aren’t going to put on a banger of a match….. you’d be wrong.

  4. The match will be good. You’ll see. When you have interpromotional stuff, lots of politics at play and there are certain people who are not allowed to lose and so there is compromise.

  5. Other people have said it, but Cassidy can definitely go, his match against PAC is the prime example. It comes down to how they boom the match, tbh. Hopefully TK has enough respect for NJPW to leave most of Cassidy’s comedy shtick out and let him and Ospreay work.

  6. Hate Cassidy’s gimmick, but dude can go when unleashed. He’s been doing the same shit for 3 years on AEW, dude needs to reinvent the character or he’ll always be looked as a comedy wrestler.

  7. I think it’s kinda perfect. A one time flippy floppy “killing the business” indie darling turned serious heavyweight competitor …


    The new darling of killing the business with his pockets and limp kicks.

    I think this match is going to be fucking sweet tbh. Anyone who’s still legitimately on the “Pockets is killing the business” train is a wilfully ignorant muppet 🌚🤷‍♂️

  8. This match will steal the show, just like any show where they let Orange do his thing all the way.

  9. Watch pac vs omega vs oc and then delete this post. You gonna learn something today.

  10. I want OC to win, just because we will have a freshly squeezed Orange-Juice match down the line

  11. I’m very excited for this match. I think it’ll be awesome. Adding Yano would be a huge mistake.

  12. I think people often forget how good OC is in the ring. This match will be incredible and prob be sleeper for MOTN.

  13. The ice cold take of people shiddin on OC then he goes and has an amazing match

  14. Watch the triple threat with PAC & Omega, or his matches with Adam Cole. Point is OC is a great wrestler and will help put on a fire match.

  15. Kinda hope we get some Best Friends/CHAOS vs UE warfare elsewhere on the cards.

    Chuck/Trent/Rocky/Toru Yano/Goto or YOSHI HASHI vs Henare/Aussie Open/TJP/Akira.

    Plus FTR vs Cobb/O’Khan for the ROH/IWGP tag titles (but not AAA cause that’s not canon right now).

  16. Orange Cassidy can genuinely go and have great matches, plus he has been booked like a top guy on AEW. This match will be fantastic

  17. I find it lethargic that people here dunk so hard on Orange Cassidy over him as a comedy wrestler, but not if it’s Taguchi. And if the reason is Taguchi (and to an extent, Yano) can actually be quite serious in the ring, so is OC. See his match against Kenny and PAC at Double or Nothing ’21 and you can see for yourself OC not only can be a serious competitor in the ring when he has to, he can also be an actual championship contender. In addition, OC is technically part of CHAOS per Rocky and Okada, so you could view this as OC’s first match as part of that faction (not just as part of Best Friends) against a member of another New Japan faction.

    Another is that OC is so over he can actually eat a pin, which is perfect for Ospreay’s title defense as US champion. AFAICT, there doesn’t appear to be future stories for OC planned after Forbidden Door, and his comedy role has mostly been given to Danhausen as of late. So there is room OC to have a potential US title run and be in the NJPW shows across the US, or even represent New Japan as US Champion in the indies in places like Warrior Wrestling and GCW the way Suzuki did in his US tour.

  18. Annnnnd this Reddit continues to be horribly exhausting. The fans that gather here are the worst kind of fake internet gatekeepers. NJPW isn’t as precious as a lot of you treat it.

    Playing with other companies is only good for them, especially the company that started with the wrestlers that gave them an American audience in the first place.

    These Forbidden Door takes continue to be ridiculous.

  19. Will Osprey is head and shoulders much more boring than any wrestler. Will sucks, he doesn’t have any it factor. OC at least has personality and, on top of that, talent. I sincerely hope OC gets to squash that boring dummy.

  20. Yano vs Doc Gallows just happened on the main card at Dominion. So yeah.

    Orange Cassidy is an amazing wrestler, but people get caught up on the gimmick, which is one of the most entertaining in pro wrestling.

    This should be great.

  21. I get that Will Ospreay is so talented that he deserves an opponent capable of pulling off a MOTYC, but OC is actually really good when he’s allowed to go full throttle.

    I think this match could end up being a sleeper hit.

  22. [This will be a bit long…] Let me state at the outset, that my post was not intended to bury Orange Cassidy (though admittedly I am not a fan). Like many of you, I’ve been looking forward to Forbidden Door, and with Will Ospreay being one of the best wrestlers in New Japan and the world, it would make sense for him to receive a marquee match on the card, especially after winning the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship, a title that seems almost tailor-made for this event. I’m happy that he did, and that he will have an opportunity to make a big impact on the AEW audience. However, I’m not thrilled with the Orange Cassidy pairing, as I was envisioning a serious bout, with a more serious opponent. That being said, the more I thought about it, the more I could embrace some of the positives: 1) OC is undoubtedly over with the live crowd and the atmosphere will be phenomenal. 2) There will be other serious and epic dream matches on the card: Tana/Mox, Pac/Miro/Malakai/Ishii (I think it’s a safe bet to assume that Malakai and Ishii will be the other two involved), presumably Danielson/ZSJ. 3) Ospreay will likely secure a big win. 4) Whether I’m a fan of it or not, OC has been booked quite strongly, so in that sense he’s not out of place in a big singles title match.

    Tony Khan has had success with the buffet approach: many different kinds of wrestling on the same show, that appeals to different fans, in order to broaden the audience. Comedic elements are a part of this and comedy can work in wrestling (though it can be tricky to pull off), and has its place on the show. New Japan generally presents a serious product (more serious than most) but even they have comedy wrestlers (Toru Yano), or wrestlers with a heavily comedic facet of their act (Ryusuke Taguchi). Both Yano and especially Taguchi can go in the ring, but they embrace their character roles, are important parts of the roster, and most importantly, are booked appropriately. My issue is not with comedy wrestlers/comedic gimmicks per se, but with their placement on the card. Tony Khan mentioned that he originally didn’t have big plans for Orange Cassidy, but he got over with the fans and garnered big ratings, and his booking trajectory up the card then reflected that. Big marquee PPV matches (v. Pac, v. Pac v. Omega) followed, but if we’re being honest, this was at a time when AEW had a far inferior roster of stars, before a massive influx of world-class talent. Kudos to OC for being an AEW original, but it was only natural for certain acts who were there in the early stages, to move down some rungs on the ladder (or leave the promotion entirely) when far superior wrestlers came in and changed the complexion of the landscape. I’m not saying that Orange Cassidy doesn’t have a place on the show, but there’s a log jam of talent and only so many spots on the card, with many wrestlers having to wait their turn to be featured prominently. IMO, OC would be better used in backstage skits, coming out with the Best Friends in a managerial role, multi-man matches, and the occasional Rampage singles match. However, when it comes to singles matches near the top of the card, especially for major titles on PPV, my wish would be for other more serious and capable wrestlers to get those spots. Hell, at this point Shingo Takagi doesn’t have a match (even a multi-man match) at Forbidden Door, but OC does? In all honesty, and with respect to all involved, I’d book Orange Cassidy & Danhausen v. Toru Yano & Ryusuke Taguchi as a dark match for the PPV. It would be a hoot! Look, Kaientai were over with the crowd in the Attitude Era, and Taka Michinoku is a terrific wrestler. However, it was a comedy act and he wasn’t booked to challenge for the IC title on major PPVs, because other people were better for that spot.

    I figured that Orange Cassidy would be over on the AEW sub, but honestly I’m surprised by the response on here: though while the comments are vocally pro-OC, it’s exactly a 50% upvote split, reflecting his polarizing nature. I don’t think it’s particularly fruitful to debate his merits as a wrestler: those who like him, like him, and those who don’t, don’t. But I will share my opinion: I’m not a fan. I just recently re-watched his match v. Pac and the triple threat match with Pac & Omega, just to make sure I hadn’t missed something. I will admit that he has a decent look, can sell, and can execute dynamic moves. Props to him for crafting a unique gimmick that allowed him to stand out from the pack. However, with respect: he’s a joke. The gimmick (an apathetic man for the times, that can’t be bothered to try, but then tries), while seemingly striking a chord with the audience, is a joke, a one note joke at that, that has been static for going on 3 years. I understand the layout of his matches and that he is silly and doesn’t try and then part of the way through, he explodes and tries, hitting a lot of cool looking moves, and that’s great and lots of fans love it and find it to be loads of fun. But the in-ring psychology doesn’t work, when it comes to believability: it treats wrestling like a phony joke (or a giant middle finger to pro wrestling, as he once said), and I find that damaging to the overall suspension of disbelief necessary to be invested in the show. Wrestling doesn’t need to be ultra-serious all the time, but there’s a shared universe on the show in which matches are supposed to be presented as legitimate physical contests (not jokes). People keep saying that if you look past his gimmick, he’s a great wrestler, but I don’t think you can separate the two in this case. William Regal did silly stuff outside the ring, but inside, he was all business. OC brings his gimmick into the ring and treats wrestling as a farce: that’s not being a good wrestler- a good wrestler draws you in and makes you believe. It’s a shame as he can sell and execute moves, so perhaps there’s a great wrestler in there, but someone doing a subversive take on the basic principles of in-ring psychology, is not a good wrestler, from my standpoint. William Regal recently said in an interview: “If you look at my career, a lot of it was being put on with comedy wrestlers for entertaining situations, so I have no problem with it and if it’s done well and the fans love it, everything has a place in wrestling. There’s nothing worse than bad comedy wrestling though.” For me, it comes down to bad comedy. Personally, I find his schtick douche-chill-inducingly lame and while he’s over with some fans, wrestlers like him and their prominent booking might alienate potential fans who might prefer a more serious or traditional approach: indulging a vocal niche audience too much, could be problematic in terms of growing one’s audience and business.

    That being said, we’re talking about something subjective: I can understand why people might enjoy his act, just like those fans should be able to understand and respect why the other half of the audience (or whatever it is) can’t stand him.

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