For Achieving The Primary Goal of Comprehending Japanese Media, Which of these Approaches is the Better One?

Hi, This is just a question that I could not find an answer for, so I’ll come out and ask it directly:

**I Want To Understand. Anime without Subs, Read Manga and LN/WN/VN in Japanese And Go Monolingual (from using J-E dictionaries to J-J dictionaries) ASAP.**

DISCLAIMER: I am using the AJATT method

For the above goal, please answer these questions I have:

1. I want to speedrun at about 70-100 new cards a day 10k vocab and 3k kanji in 6 months alongside Genki and Quartet with YT and graded reader immersion so that my comprehension when starting immersion with anime is nice, which of these decks is best for that purpose –

*CORE 10K* or *JLPT TANGO N5-N1*?

2. Is this speedrunning approach even good? I have time to study and grind Anki every day and have been watching anime (with subs) for about 2 years now so I have some grasp of basic grammar structures as well as words

3. I also know that the old Core 2k/6k had an outdated 1990s Asahi newspaper based frequency list.
– Does the 10k have that problem as well?
– I know that Tango has i+1 which is praised but I heard some people on reddit say that it’s not much helpful if your primary goal is Japanese media consumption. Is this true?

I Hope You Guys Can Help Me Out With This! If Something Isn’t Clear Or You Want To Know More About My Approach, Just Ask Me.

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