Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 24 January 2024

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Anywhere I can buy/rent a _daisha_ (a wheeled trolley) at short notice? Need to move a washing machine around town this weekend.

  2. We get a rules update, but questions still aren’t confined to the daily question thread, what’s up with that?

  3. Where are the motorcycle dealers / show rooms at in Tokyo? Any “well know area”?

    I’m still surprised about the very low number of motorcycles in daily traffic – that one is puzzling to me!

  4. Anyone else commute 50km+ to work? I’m used to that in the states. I have an interview coming up to a place that’s around 55km away. By highway it’s only an hour. But can be an hour and a half by the “free” route that the company will probably want me to take

  5. Advice from people in the StarAlliance program wanted!

    I’m a Krisflyer member (Singapore airlines) and have been accumulating miles in my Krisflyer account even after I moved to Japan (ie when taking ANA flights). I’ve always thought it doesn’t really make a difference since my miles can be used to redeem ANA flights as well.

    However, is it better if I open up a ANA account and just accumulate my miles there? Is the miles redemption rate better if I do so for ANA flights? I travel quite often for work so I wanna make the most out of it!

  6. Random question, but how does jet lag compare to the tiredness of raising small children? Jet lag has made my brain feel like it’s melting this week and got me wondering if this or worse is what I have to look forward to when/if I have kids.

  7. Been looking around for rental apartments lately (yes, I know it’s the busy season and yes, I’ll be looking more seriously after March when things have calmed down a bit more) and been quite disappointed with the places available within my budget.

    So, to venture further down the path of depression and hopelessness, I decided to get rid of my budget limitation and only put my ideals when searching Suumo. The results are apartments (and the occasional house) that cost over 500,000 YEN A MONTH! Park House Suwayama in Nakameguro costs 840,000 per month! The new Proud Tower Meguro MARC has places ranging from 550,000 to 800,000.

    Now, there are two things I just can’t fathom: 1) Who the hell are these places aimed at?? What kind of people can afford them?? 2) Even if you made the equivalent of $500K per year, why on earth would you want to spend THAT much on rent? I imagine most people with that kind of money would rather buy property and build a nice house or something… or even live in a massive house outside of the city-center.

    PS how can I live in a similar-quality apartment for less than 200,000 a month XD

  8. I believe I’ve suffered from undiagnosed attention deficit disorder since around aged 10. I know I ought to see a doctor but in the immediate term…

    Does anyone have any useful strategies / coping mechanisms they can share of getting out from being ‘stuck under the treadmill’ of daily life, and regaining an ordered routine?

    This is the worst I’ve ever been, making laundry, cooking, punctuality very difficult. Feels like I’m a prisoner in my own body and I’m not ‘me’ – I am diligent and intelligent and motivated, my brain just feels posssessed, I’ll lie down for a minute at 4:30pm and suddenly it’s 11:30pm or even 3am and I’ve achieved nothing all evening.

    So, again – anyone have any emergency tips for brute-forcing healthier habits into a struggling person’s life? When I’m on top, I can cope, but when I fall off it can take months to get back. Recently I’ve been ‘off’ far more than I’ve been ‘on’. Don’t need to be told to see a doctor, just looking for tips for here and now.

  9. Does any one know a reliable, and cheap, way to go from Nagoya (愛知県名古屋市) to Maizuru (京都府舞鶴市) or nearby cities (Obama, Takahama, etc.) using public transports?

    I’m currently taking a Nozomi to Kyoto and then the Hashidate line, but as I will keep doing this trip every week, I’d like to stop spending around 1.6万/week just on trains.

    Obviously I should ditch the shinkansen, but I can’t find reliable alternatives for the Kyoto-Maizuru section.

    Also, now that it has started to snow heavily and sometimes these lines are impacted, are there any alternatives? Like buses?

  10. Stupid question? Why is celery so expensive here? In my local markets it’s, like, 200 yen per stalk — and not even that big of a stalk. You figure people here like to cook French and European dishes, so they’d sell the ingredient for mirepoix for a reasonable prince, but no….

  11. What are some Japanese online shopping sites that accept American credit cards or Paypal or similar?

    The goal would be for American relatives to purchase gifts for residents of Japan without paying brutal international shipping rates. Open to various product categories, including electronics, sporting goods, clothing, hobby products, etc.

  12. Anyone have any good Japanese book recommendations? I like mystery/thriller/horror genres but would enjoy more lighthearted plots as well! Books that aren’t from Japan but have been translated are also fine! Trying to get more fun reading immersion ✌︎(°ε° ✌︎)

  13. Traveling back to the US for the first time since getting married to a Japanese citizen here.
    Aside from my spouse filling out an ESTA, do we need anything else? Do we need our translated marriage certificate to bring along (seems like a PITA to get translated and notarized)? Do we use the same line at immigration? Anyone have any experience you could share?

  14. Any recommendations for single shirt printing services, online or in shop? Thanks 👍

  15. Anyone with an oddly shaped roof get solar? We were looking before but were told because we have an odd house shape it wouldn’t be economical. This was of course before the yen crashed and electricity spiked.

  16. Anyone own a cheap commuter car? I’m jumping the gun but my car gets terrible fuel economy for commuting. We need it for family outings and camping but not for driving long distances frequently. It’s been ok for now since my drive is short but I’m looking at possibly driving over 100km a day and 10km/l isn’t very economical.

    I’m thinking of finding a cheaper older Prius or maybe a Kei car due to cheaper taxes and shaken, to use as a daily commuter.

  17. How does jlife split rent/utilities/etc with their gf/bf where you make significantly more than the gf/bf?

    My partner has been dropping hints about living together, and while I’m not opposed to it, it doesn’t feel appropriate to split rent in half given she would struggle financially.

    How do you guys navigate this? Also note I’m asking about the financial aspect, not even touching how hard it would be to find a place to rent to us, since I know that’s another hurdle entirely

  18. I think it’s finally time to replace my Apple AirPort Express router. Any suggestions with a similar footprint? I liked how small it was.

  19. What’s the title for the main HR person over foreigners at an eikaiwa?

    I’m trying to get a copy of my letter of release from Nova, but I don’t know who to contact and can’t remember the word to Google the email address.

  20. Why won’t Peach just cancel tomorrows flight already?! We have flights from Osaka to Sapporo tomorrow and they’ve cancelled this evenings flights due to bad weather but the forecasted weather only gets worse tomorrow. Why don’t they give us some time to rearrange plans?!

  21. Does anyone have advice about which cards are best for online purchases?

    I’m currently with Prestia and it gets declined constantly, it’s a nightmare. I also have the Amazon Mastercard linked to that account and it too fails regularly when making online purchases.

    Any credit cards in Japan that people are consistently able to shop online and internationally with?

  22. Ofuro drain is so clogged with white (calcium?) build up and hair. I live in an older mansion.

    I’ve tried so many products and baking soda/vinegar but my ofura room starts flooding after 15 minute showers.

    Any recommendations?

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