Getting multiple scholarships from different companies at the same time. Advice to decide.

So previously I was studying master’s and I got a private student scholarship from MEXT. However this program ended last year, so no one can apply anymore. Just recently I continued my study for PhD and applied for multiple scholarships and I got 3 scholarships lined up. I got the news for the first scholarship at the end of December, but I delayed signing the contract until mid-January waiting for the other scholarship announcement.

The first scholarship only offers 125000 yen/month. I can barely make do with it because the living cost is not that expensive where I am studying and this one allows me to combine the grant with other scholarships.

However, the other two scholarship announcements came just recently.

The second scholarship offered 150000 yen/month + conference and travel expenses, but it ended 6 months before my graduation (the stipend is 900k less than the first).

While the third one offers 200000 yen/month + tuition fee + conference and ravel expenses.

However, these two scholarships prohibit combining with other scholarships. The problem is that I already signed the first scholarship because the other two scholarship announcements were later than expected and I couldn’t delay the contract even further. So now I am in a predicament. I already received the first scholarship grant and paid some of my bills and tuition. If I have to cancel the first scholarship, I have to return the money and they will take some time to process. The second scholarship is due until the end of January, while the third one is due in mid-February.

So, has anyone experienced a similar situation? Will it be problematic if I didn’t tell the other scholarship that I hadn’t received a scholarship while waiting for the cancelation of my first scholarship? And is it disastrous if I received multiple scholarships at the same time without telling them?


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