Majoring in Computer Science and learning Japanese in Japan.

To start I’m not 100% sure if this is the correct subreddit to post this in but this is the closest one I could find to fight my question. Though it is about potentially moving to Japan.

I’m currently majoring in Computer Science in the US but I’m struggling with motivation, primarily with my Gen-Eds. I’m trying to pick up Japanese on the side in order to make it easier when I plan to study abroad next semester. But then I had a thought, what if I can go to school in Japan and get my degree in Computer Science while taking classes for Japanese. I’ve tried doing a bit of research on this but haven’t found anything. So I thought I would ask if anyone knows of any programs or schools that can teach me solely Computer Science in English without all the extra annoying Gen-Eds that don’t matter to what I’m interested in.

Before anyone says it. I’m aware that Gen-Eds are important but I’ve been avoiding English and social studies classes because I struggle with them a lot. I have pretty bad ADHD and have been having a lot of motivation issues which is why I want to primarily focus on things I enjoy: Computer Science, Math, and Japanese.

If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated. Another thing is that I’m most interested in Video Game development when it comes to Computer Science.

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