Continue with textbook or go back?

I’ve been going through my textbooks for a while now. I guess I’m N4 level. Maybe upper end of N4.
The current chapter of the book has a new grammar entry which is \~っぱなし. Usually when I see a grammar point I have some form of knowledge or saw it somewhere, but with this I have just never saw it a single time in the wild. It made me curious and I looked it up. Turns out that it’s N3 grammar, so I know I’m bordering going into N3 level now. Out of curiosity I checked up a list of what N4 grammar there is. I do know most of it but there were a few I don’t recognise. So now I’m wondering if I should jkust keep focusing on the new grammar it’s teaching in the book or should I stop and go finish the N4 stuff I don’t recognise. Maybe it’s not common grammar which is why it skipped it? It sounds more familiar to me though.

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