I sincerely hope that it’s ¥500 on top of the ¥1600 base rate.

Surely ¥500 for 40minutes is criminal.

  1. I had a company that did this. If you had an empty lesson, you would get paid a fraction of your wage.

  2. It’s not on top. It is a “waiting” pay.

    Let’s say you are open for lessons from 10am-12:10pm.

    10-10:40 Tanaka (1600y)

    10:45-11:25 Nakajima (1600y)

    11:30-12:10pm empty ~ no one booked this lesson (500y)

    total for your shift: 3700 yen

    This comes to a smidge under 1800 per hour I think. Not great BUT better than GABA which pays 0 for not-booked lessons, even if they are within your open schedule and you are there.

    Not saying this pay is awesome (cause it isn’t) but if it was WFH and online lessons, could be okay. No stress of commuting, no need to wear full suit, can sleep until 10 minutes before first lesson, and if a lesson is not booked, you can do whatever the heck you want in your time getting paid 12.5 yen per minute to do laundry or take a shower or go back to sleep.

    Going to a location to sit around ~ nah.

  3. I like how it’s signed off by the “casting crew”. Welcome to Gaijin Disneyland!

  4. Playing’s devil’s advocate here, while it’s predatory (as is Gaba) to a certain extent, but I struggle to think of a better job for someone with no other highly sought-after skills and only speaks English. It’s not the worst place to start your life in Japan, if anything just to get your visa.

  5. The school I work at now doesn’t pay anything for a non-booked period / cancelled lesson. They just say “you can take a break”

    Like.. thanks, but since the student is still paying for the lesson maybe you can still pay me, no?

  6. Daily Example of the people that will take this job:

    Hey guys I’m coming from the U.S. to Japan for the first time.
    (Insert Company Name) says that I have to live in the apartment that they own and work an unrealistic amount of hours per month to keep my visa. They don’t pay for commuting fare or provide health care. The money isn’t that bad if you eat your finger nails and ignore taxes. Should I do this?”

    Ignores all reasonable advice/arguments and takes the shitty job.

  7. It looks like this is a part time job, not a full time visa sponsor job. 
    Most part time jobs don’t pay at all for empty hours (it’s just considered a break). For a student it’s not so bad because you could study during that time and still get something. Though 1600 is low for part time hourly.

  8. The ad says upscale. So I would assume that’s why the pay is shit.
    The money is spent on everything else.
    If the “upscale” statement is true that is.

  9. I once had an interview with such a company where you, as a contractor, could be making the base salary of like 750円 per hour (divided 20 minute increment), but then if you had a 3 hour break between the lessons it was free time to do whatever you wanted! *Cue excitement for not making money*
    This kind of practice needs to be illegal.

  10. I see shit like this and realize I’m so fucking lucky to have what I have. Good luck man

  11. I love how the advert states that from time to time responsibilities will also include office work such as writing blogs and ‘work functions’, but an hourly wage is not provided. Also 1600 for the Tokyo area? Am I missing something?

    Ain’t no way.

  12. 1500 is way more than a lot of companies are willing to pay, though… not to mention that most jobs also need relevant experience and defrees in the same field…

  13. I remember working part-time at Kura Sushi while I was a student and the pay was still higher than this garbage lmao. People need to stop accepting these offers and empowering these illegal companies.

  14. I mean my company pays you nothing for unbooked lessons so at this point I’d be happy with anything to make up for that wasted time.

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