Lil question/discussion about the Genki textbooks

Using the Genki textbooks and wondering if I’m doing something wrong cus I’m halfway through the first one in a couple days. Which doesn’t seem like a realistic progression. But I understand what’s been shown in each chapter so far. So I don’t know what happened- is the first half of Genki one easy? Or am I missing something that I’m supposed to be doing? I’m basically done the whole first book with grammar and kanji and stuff, it’s the vocabulary that I’m stuck on that’s making my progression slower. But I found a way to study that that’s working well for me so I may be done the first book by the end of the week at this rate. I’ve been told it should take a few months to complete, so I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong, or if the information online isn’t exactly correct. A large amount of my confusion here is probably to do with math cus online says 3-4 months with a couple hours of study a day, but I’m disabled so I don’t have work or anything so I’ve been studying basically all day, except I get distracted a lot and constantly multitasking so it isn’t just study all day. But it’s a lot more than normal, I think. But I can’t do the math to figure out how much I study and how that compares to the average study time. But basically, just wondering if anyone else has been able to finish Genki one in about a week, am I missing anything. This is my first time using textbooks so I don’t understand how they work, so I may be missing things. But I can do all the questions at the end of the chapters so I don’t think I’m missing anything. But I dunno. I also have the workbooks but I haven’t started them yet, I wanna save them for a revision type thing a few weeks after I finish the textbooks to see if there’s any parts I’ve forgotten that need to be revised. Also, I was wondering if Genki textbooks take longer to finish chapters as you progress because they get harder, or is it the same amount of time because it introduces a similar amount of things per chapter? Like, would I be able to finish Genki two in the same amount of time I finish Genki one, or would it be harder because the topics are more advanced? I guess that may depend on the person.. mainly I’m just asking what other people have experienced with Genki so that I can better understand the books and what to expect. Also, is there something I might be missing in the books? I’m going through the chapters, plus using the Genki apps for vocab, and renshuu’s Genki lessons to learn the vocab and kanji faster. And the grammar and anything else I just learn while going through the textbooks.

Actually, I just realised. I have DID and have had the Genki textbooks for a little while, so maybe another alter has gone through them and I’m accessing those memories subconsciously so I’m able to get through the books faster. That would explain a few things.. I dunno. I’ll have to ask them later. But yea, that may explain a bit but I’m still curious of other people’s experiences with Genki, and any advice or info or anything with using Genki. I’m starting uni next year studying Japanese and they’re currently using Genki and quartet so I’m trying to get through as much as I can now so that it’s easier then because I struggle in school cus of my disabilities so I’m gonna learn as much as I can first so that i have less of a chance of a mental breakdown. Lol. I forgot what I was writing,so I’ll end this here. I don’t know if this is the kinda thing that’s allowed on this subreddit. But I hope so. I’m asking about a Japanese textbook that’s commonly used so I think it’s allowed, but I don’t know if the question is clear enough so maybe it’s not allowed. Genki is really fun tho! I wonder what quartet is like, I don’t have those books yet. I need to get them soon. Planning on getting them same day of my first paycheck after I start Genki two, the they should be delivered in time for when I finish Genki two. Excited!! Can’t wait till I get the next books cus that means I’ve made lots of progress and that’s exciting!! I really Anna know what the format of those next books are like but it’s too early to buy them now- I’m just rambling now, sorry.

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