Teaching at a University now. Need advice on how to understand my relationship with 事務員

Hi all, new Uni teacher here. I teach non-English subject at a well known private Uni and it’s been about a year since I started.

As I’ve gone through this job, I’ve slowly come to the realization that the 事務員/Admins run a big portion of the school, and not really the Professors? I teach an unique program where I have to interact with the Admins a lot, and it’s obvious that they run most of the operations of the school. This includes who teaches what course, pay structure, and scheduling. In fact I think I interact with the Admins far more than fellow professors here.

In fact, I’m very well liked by my boss (Director of X department) and she wants to promote me, and it requires some Admin approvals as well. Which is interesting.
So my question is this : How do I understand admin’s job? What is their 立ち位置 or 立場? They’re very stoic and stern in running the school and generally keep an emotional distance away from the teaching staff it seems (me and other Profs included).

For the record I do not feel frustrated. I love my job and think I have a good solid career starting. I would like to learn more about the Admin staff’s position so I can have a smooth relationship across departments.

Thank you and any perspectives are appreciated.

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