Among other things, I stutter my speech. Will JET accept me?

Among other things, I stutter my speech. Will JET accept me?

  1. I’ve heard of some acceptances with stutters or other things, but iirc they were able to manage it pretty well and wasn’t a big hindrance. If it’s severe it might be an issue since the job emphasizes teaching and speaking.

    It’s more like you would need an exceptional application more than others because of all things equal, I think they might choose the person without the stutter vs the person who does, harsh as it is.

    I think there were some past threads about this, so also try googling and digging for more info.

  2. It really will depend on how severe your stutter is. If you are able to manage it and can still be understood, it should be fine.

    Not necessarily the same, but I’ve met accepted JETs with incredibly thick accents – so as long as you bring a solid application, your chance is as good as anyone else.

  3. Do you think you could stand in front of a class and perform well? Would you feel insecure or upset if (on top of being alone in a regional location, lonely because nobody else speakers English, glum because of the weather) your students laugh at or mock your stutter?

  4. Some people on JET have rough English for teaching (like, not dialects, just them having a brutal lisp or weird pronunciation), and still get in.

    But I think a stutter is in a different category, if it’s enough where the lesson is getting delayed I think it would be difficult to work with.

  5. I have a speech impediment that goes in and out depending on my anxiety. I had an interview. I failed it. I don’t know the official reason why but I think my speech impediment was a factor. I’m going to try again one more time after working with a speech pathologist since I got rejected..hopefully I get an interview again. So please practice your public speaking and annunciation. Japan is an interesting country with a cool culture, but they have a problem with people with disabilities as they really don’t wanna be troubled with accommodating you.

  6. No offence but we all have our strengths. I wouldn’t expect to be hired as a model for example.

  7. Get some experience teaching English to immigrants in your local community. You need to be able to show JET that “yes, I have this disadvantage that makes things harder for me, but here’s proof that I can do the work and in fact, here’s why having overcome this challenge actually makes me a stronger applicant.” You have to find a way to turn every weakness into a secret strength. That’s true not only for JET, but job apps in general

  8. It’s probably going to be a matter of degree and your other qualifications, but there are JET ALTs who stutter.

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