Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (January 29, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. is there a special word to describe words such as 長靴 where both 音読み and 訓読み readings work?

    e.g. ながぐつ and ちょうか are both OK for this word and seem to mean the same thing(?)

  2. Hey all.

    My study game is on point. I am seeing continuous gains which help keep me motivated.

    However, my speaking is still very far behind my reading, listening, and writing.

    I have a tutor I see twice a week to practice speaking (among other things), but I want some more practice with informal and fluid speaking.

    Any suggestions?

    HelloTalk and Discord don’t seem to be working for me. But, I would consider giving them another try if there aren’t any other suggestions.

  3. At 04:59 in the below linked YouTube video, the character says


    I am wondering why she said 頼む rather than 頼んだ. Is this just a set expression or something? Would it have made sense to use 頼んだ?


  4. having trouble understanding the meaning of そうそう in this particular sentence:


    Context: This book is talking about the details of raising and caring for various species of deer and comparing them.

    I think this is something like, uh, “Reindeer owner, [?] not supposed to easily raise flying deer.” but IDK

  5. Hi I’m trying to create an art piece of cherry blossoms and wanted to include a haiku on it. I’ve tried to get it to be semi-coherent, but since I don’t know the language well I’m not sure if I’ve achieved that.

    Would someone be able to help me by saying if it looks good, or is just utter trash?

    3 2 1

    春 開 雪 1)Yuki no toke (melting snow)

    が 花 の 2)Kaika suru sakura (blooming cherry blossoms)

    た す 溶 3) Kitaga haru (Spring has come)

    来 る け

    Thank you in advance for any help

  6. So I’m new to learning Japanese and sorry if its a dumb question but when there’s two “a” sounding characters right next to each other would it drag out that “a” sound ? Like in おかあさん since the ka and a are right next to each other would that make that sound drag out or would you say it as if the あ wasn’t there ? And if you do drag out that “a” sound would this rule apply for other words written in hiragana ?

  7. >息子むすこが家いえに上あがるなりトイレへと駆かけ込こんだ

    for this meaning of なり to mean something like “the moment that,” why is the verb it’s connected to not past tense?

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