American/European Media Companies With Offices in Japan? (for video editor position/something in post production)

I work remotely as a video editor in the US and have a BA in film and recently got N3 in Japanese (aiming for N2 next year). I know trying to move to Japan without doing the English teaching route and not being fluent is really difficult (especially trying to find a job in film), but I wanted to see if anyone knows about any western companies that have branches in Japan that I could keep an eye on for video editor roles? I know Ubisoft has an office in Osaka, but are there any others that come to mind? I’m also open to hearing about any Japanese companies, as well, but it seems like it’s a lot more work for a lot less pay vs western companies (and I’d imagine a western company would be more willing to hire a foreigner in the first place)

Also, would love to hear about anyone’s experiences finding non-teaching work in Japan or any advice to hopefully one day make this dream even the tiniest bit possible haha

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