Got a root canal done (**edit:** upper molar) and now it’s time to choose a crown for my tooth. Dentist offered metal, resin, and ceramic. Metal and resin is covered by insurance, whereas ceramic is 88k yen (yikes). She STRONGLY disadvised me from picking resin cause that particular tooth experiences a lot of pressure and a resin crown could break easily.
So that leaves me with the ugly af metal and the expensive af ceramic. Anyone here got a metal crown in Japan before? Which material is used when covered by insurance (I don’t think gold is covered?)? Did you have any problems down the line?
I REALLY don’t want to blow that much money just for aesthetic reasons, but I also don’t want to get a metal crown only to have to replace it with ceramic later anyway. **edit:** I phrased this a bit poorly – I know I will likely have to replace the crown eventually no matter the material. I was just wondering about people’s experiences with longevity/decay and allergies and if ceramic really makes a huge difference health-wise (and not just appearance-wise).